SBPS 2024 Committee
President – Amy Wiblen
Secretary – Yara Reynolds
Treasurer – Brett Findlay
Vice Presidents – Keah Harrigan / Aime Wallace
Canteen Manager – Liz Cheney
Sandy Beach School Canteen FB link
The role of the P&C
The President is responsible for:
- The successful functioning of the P&C Association
- Ensuring that the P&C Association takes part in decision-making processes in the school
- Acting as the P&C Association's spokesperson when public statements or actions are needed i.e. Presentation days or other official functions.
- Setting up lines of communication with the Principal
- Being signatory on the Association's bank accounts
- Chairing meetings but, in the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents will chair the meeting or the meeting can elect a chairperson from the members present for that meeting.
Vice President
Is the fall back person in the absence of the President at meetings or functions
The Secretary is responsible for:
- carrying out the administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as resolved.
- preparing, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas.
- attending every association meeting and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of minutes for subsequent distribution to members and for receipt, possible amendment and adoption at the following meeting. (In the absence of the Secretary the meeting should elect a person to take the minutes; this person should be identified in the minutes.)
- receiving and tabling all correspondence as well as writing and dispatching outgoing correspondence as resolved/appropriate they keep a list of financial (voting) members, minutes, attendance book.
Secretaries may use the P&C newsletter, school newsletter/website, school sign, or other means to promote meetings.
Treasurer - P&C/Canteen
The Treasurer receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts. The Treasurer presents a report in the form of an income and expenditure statement together with a reconciled bank statement for each and every P&C meeting.
The Treasurer also ensures that all funds held and handled by P&C are properly and openly accounted for as the Treasurer is responsible for all funds held in the name of the P&C. This includes the canteen and any other P&C committees. The Treasurer is a signatory on the P&C accounts and should not delegate this responsibility. We do have online banking in place.
The Treasurer should encourage members to understand the state of the P&C finances. The Treasurer must ensure books are kept, recording all financial transactions of the P&C Association and canteen accounts. The Canteen is run like a small business so wages for canteen manager, superannuation, workers comp, tax and suppliers are all part of the role. The Canteen Manager is responsible for all the day to day running, supplied, training for volunteers, calculate daily takings. The by-laws state the manager cannot be involved with the accounts.